Ba Ruwty TEK Note : 27 Notes (per pack)


Guards The Resting Places of The Dearly Departed and Distributes Necessary Hika To The Deceased.

Encouraging Them To Traverse The Underworld and Go Before The Tribunal of The Neteru.
Where iN The Celestial Courts They Are Appropriately Assessed and Giving Favor, Pardon, and Currency For Detracting Hell God's That Obstruct Progression From States of Purgatory.

Burning This Note At Gravesites and During Memorials, Funerals, and At The Altar or Shrine of The Practioner Grant's Accelerated Waves of Opulent Alignments iN The RÉality Generated By Said Being.

This is enduced by the Word of Power (Hika) of The Deitress "Nee Tee Ka".

Pronounce Her Name While Staring into the flame for petitions of prosperity.

Burn 3x's a day for optimum effect.
No more than 9 notes are necessary per day.