Wealth TEK
This Money Magnet Device Performans The Activity of A Beacon To All Forces Associated With Wealth And Prosperity To The Being That Adornes The Power Of Its Sentient Consciousness. Comprised of A Host Of Wealth Stones Synergetically Tethered To A Piece of Scolcelite To Unify and Harmonize The Vibrations Of The Crystals and Gem Stones.
Gain The Attention Of Wealth Gods and Petition For Financial Favor. Include In Wealth Affirmations and Money Spells or Rituals For A Heightened Output. Or Just Go About Your Daily Affairs Per Usual and Allow The Allowance of Prosperity and Abundance Seamlessly Flow Into Your Life.
Creativity,Prosperity, and Abundance of Wealth Becomes Available To All That Align With Its Frequency. Focus and Concentration Expands The Activity Of Wealth and Its Vibration Is Endowed Into The Device. Wealth of Knowledge, Material, Networks, Finances and The Most Valuable Health Vibrate At A Certain Frequency and Can Be Accessed via The Infinite Supply of Abundance.
Comes with Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Black Sand,and Fine Sands of Metals (Copper, Steele, Aluminum and Iron).
Rare Earth Magnet Neodymium Coated For Premium Performance.
One Crystal Is Added and Sometimes More. It's Healing Properties and Effect Exhibit A Sentient Consciousness When and While Communicating and Connecting With It's Owner.
Programmed To Nullify, Ground, and or Eradicate Various Radiations. From Elfwaves,EMF Waves and Lithium Radiation and Microwave Radiation Alike. It Is Also Programmed To Accept Your Programming As Well.