Mental - TEK
The Shortlist of Crystals In Mental TEK : Iolite, Kyanite, Opal, Tanzanite, Blue Calcite and more All Tehthered To A Centered Scolcelite That Harmonizes and Aligns The Various Vibrations Into Symetric Order. This Device Opens Tunnel Vision Access To Your Intuition. Not Disregarding The First Minds: Impressions, Interpretations, and Hidden Voice All Which Is Linked To The First Eye. Or The Minds Eye Which Is Linked To The Highest Self The Divine Seat of Super Consciousness.
Mental TEK Is Best Used When Worn For Meditation and Sleep Time. Higher Sensory Expansion Over Time Will Activate The Astral Interface of The Being Utilizing Its Programming. Also In Meditation Clearing Toxic Thoughts That Smog Up The Negative Suggestion That Swell Up In Meditation and Daily Activities. The Negative Inner Dialogue Loses Its Resilience and Presence While Performing Spiritual Excercises or Activities When Adorning This Device Consistently.
The Orgonite TEK Has A Sentient, Evoloving Consciousness and Is Programmed To Be Receptive To Your Program As Well. So It Is Corresponding WIth The Extra Sensory Receptors In Your Higher Light Body and Your 4 Higher Senses: Telepathy, Psychometry, Intuition, and Telepathy.
Comes with Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Black Obsidian, Black Sand,and Fine Sands of Metals (Copper, Steele, Aluminum and Iron).
Rare Earth Magnet Neodymium Coated For Premium Performance.
Programmed To Nullify, Ground, and or Eradicate Various Radiations. From Elfwaves,EMF Waves and Lithium Radiation and Microwave Radiation Alike. It Is Also Programmed To Accept Your Programming As Well.
Place Under The Pillow At Night and Experience The Restoration Occur From Years Of Microwave Damage From Cellphone and Other Electrical Components iN Your Home and Or Environment.